

Monday, August 16, 2010

Those of you who read Graeme’s post on the socialist party primaries in Madrid will have come up against the Spanish word autobombast. This translates, rather less sonorously, as ‘self-praise’ and I guess it comes from the same Latin root at ‘bombastic’.

Interesting to see the German economy powering away on the back of a euro rate that suits that country now just as much as it did when it was introduced. But which is now even more inappropriate for the EU’s weaker economies such as Spain. Our friend Ambrose here asks whether the southern Europe states can withstand the ordeal they’re currently being subjected to. Which seems a fair question.

Quote of the Week

There are two Golden Rules for and orchestra. Start together and finish together. The public doesn’t give a damn what goes on in between. 

Sir Thomas Beechamp.

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