

Monday, July 20, 2015

Fascist emblems; Tourism & the Galeón; Benidorm; Guiris; 2 guiris in particular; & A song for friends.

As Spain marks 40 years since the death of the monstrous Franco and the 79th anniversary of the start of its atavistic Civil War, the new left-of-centre mayors are finally planning to get rid of the residual monuments to the Fascists which should have disappeared long ago under the law. Not before time. I wonder if we'll see the removal of the 2 or 3 shields which adorn Pontevedra's granite walls.

Spain's tourist industry continues to grow apace, breaking records every year. Tourism, of course, is a killer of good service. A restaurant in Santiago appears to employ the only waitresses in the country incapable of a smile, even when they've been given a good tip. And serves atrocious Rioja. It's called Galeón Raina. The 2 comments on Trip advisor are: "Very good octopus" and "Losing clients". I can't vouch for the first but am not at all surprised by the second. Stay away.

Talking of tourism . . . Who - apart from the insufferable Alfie Mittington - knew that the original name for Benidorm was Ben-i-Darhm - 'The Sons of Darhm' in Arabic.

And talking of smiling . . . One of the easiest ways to raise a laugh in Spain - as a foreigner - is to call yourself a guiri. Your Spanish friends simply won't be able to suppress at least a smile at you using this pejorative term.

And talking of both tourism and guiris . . . Here's a foto of a couple of ladies whose behaviour much disturbed the calm of my evening tiffin. They're not good snaps but I had to be quick. I think they were Dutch, whom I've previously regarded as a reserved people. Obviously wrong. Luckily for them (or me), they'll never see these fotos:-

Finally . . . My thanks to my 3 friends who made it a weekend to remember. Especially to the one who broke the blind cord mechanism. And the one who left the garage door open so that all the neighbourhood moths could come into the house. Not to mention all the pigs who'd been sleeping there. This is the song which which I'll always associate them.

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