

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Well, it’s nice to see El Mundo agreeing with me about the government’s rather hysterical response to the celebrations in Gibraltar. As the editorial writer concludes, all the high-blown nonsense makes one nostalgic for the days of No Comment.

The magazine section of El Mundo today is largely devoted to an extensive survey of sex in Spain. Perhaps the most astonishing finding is that young Spanish woman clearly don’t get much payback on their significant investment in making themselves perhaps the sexiest females on the planet. What on earth does this tell us about Spanish society? And is it time for me to flesh out my youthful dreams of a one-man company called Hyr-A-Syr? No, they can’t be that desperate, can they? Plus they smoke.

As of 9pm, I have yet to hear from my Spanish friend about dinner tonight. Perhaps his cousin’s plane crashed on landing from Mexico and he has got tied up in the funeral arrangements that follow close on the heels of death in Spain. Failing that, it very much looks like it’s now Manoel 2: Colin 0. Or to put this in Spanish – Colin 2: Manoel 0.

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