In Spain it helps to have a thick skin if you enter public life. Even the judiciary. A member of one of the Catalan parties – unhappy with mere ‘liar’ – has labelled the President of the Supreme Court ‘A clown, a fascist, and an uneducated illiterate’.
Ravachol Section
Ahead of the effigy burning and internment tonight, here’s another picture of our favourite parrot, set against the backcloth of the Church of the Wandering Virgin.

Roundabouts/Circles Section
Just up from the accident-waiting-to-happen is a junction which used to comprise no less than 6 streets, none of which had a right of way. This dictated caution and I never saw an accident there in over 4 years. But the council decided [possibly under a EU law which it was in their interests to comply with] that a roundabout would improve things. Especially if combined with semi-pedestrianisation. This has been a long time coming but, as you can see, there is now light at the end of the road.

A book about the paranormal called People Who Don't Know They're Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It, has been voted the oddest book title of 2005 by readers of The Bookseller magazine.
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