Commenting on the prosecution of two policemen for illegally arresting members of the opposition party, a spokeswoman has said that, if this had happened in the UK, Tony Blair would surely have resigned. Obviously not a keen observer of the UK political scene, then. As of right now, the only sure way of getting rid of him would seem to be assassination. And who’s to say Gordon Brown – or one of the other myriad dour Scots who dominate the British political panorama – isn’t pondering this desperate strategy. Step forward Lady Macbeth.
Spain now has 25,000 Euro millionaires and it’s forecast that by 2008 Spaniards will have the same per capita income as Germans. This should, of course, mean a reduction in subventions from North European taxpayers. But I wouldn’t bet on it. It's considered the peak of achievement in Spain to live at somebody else's expense.
It’ll be tough deciding on the prize driving incident of the week. It’s only Tuesday and already Andrew has faced a car coming round the corner on 2 wheels and I’ve narrowly avoided hitting a van which pulled straight out in front of me at a T-junction. So I think I’ll just abandon the idea as it seems to be tempting fate. I’d like to live until at least Saturday.
Not that it’s safe to stay out of a car, with fourteen people being hit on Zebra crossings in Vigo last month. But a new high [low?] was reached at 11.30 on Sunday morning when a driver who was 4 times over the drink limit stopped and beat up a pedestrian who’d remonstrated with him for nearly knocking him over on a crossing. One fears it will take more than the imminent points-based licence system to effect major changes in standards. A few executions, perhaps.
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