

Thursday, October 05, 2006

There are 254,000 Brits in Spain and we’re only outnumbered as foreigners by the 333,000 Rumanians. If things go according to plan, we’ll all be allowed to vote in next year’s local elections. But, for some reason or other, the Spanish government seems far more concerned about the Rumanians [and 82,000 Bulgarians] than about us Brits. Has none of the Cabinet ever visited the Costa del Sol?

Things change slowly in Spain. Thirty years ago, French was a far more popular foreign language choice than English but things are rather different now. Yesterday, for example, I read that the School of Languages here in Pontevedra has about 1200 students of English but only 300 of French. Nonetheless, in the multi-language letter I got today about registration for next year’s elections, pride of place was given to French. Insulted? Moi!

I alluded yesterday to the corruption that pervades local politics here. Then there is the more-universal pork barrel politics. The Minister of Culture in one region recently decided to remove 500,000 euros from the budget for a theatre in one town and reallocate to the one in which she was born. Again, it’s impressive the press no longer lets this sort of thing go unnoticed, even if most Spanish still regard it as not worth worrying about.

Up in Catalunia there’s a brave group of people, willing to face the wrath of their fellow Catalans. These are the members of Ciutadans, which is dedicated to ensuring that the rights of Spanish [‘Castellano’] speakers are not just theoretically preserved but actually protected. I take my sombrero off to them.

Which reminds me, I think Lenox’s comment of my Kingdom of Danelaw blog merits wider publication. So here it is :-

I could run all of your newspapers, magazines, freebies, web-pages, radios, television channels, satellite channels, the local TV channel and other media activities.
I could re-write history and record it in the nation’s school books – which I could print: new ones each year, of course.
I would present your ideas, excesses, absurdities, mistakes and vulgarities in the best possible light
I would be sure to minimise any endeavours from the opposition to your government in my media empire.
I would open a foundation with prizes and honours to specially chosen ‘friends’ of The Party.
While I am unfortunately far too old to learn your amusing national patois, I shall nevertheless attempt to ridicule through my media empire anyone who doesn’t use it exclusively in all public events.
You, in return, would give me most of your ‘institutional advertising’ even when not appropriate. All new radio and television licences would be first offered to my organisation.
You would make representation to The Pope and other heads of state or captains of industry to complain, loudly, regularly and bitterly about any of my surviving competitors.

Galicia Facts

Municipal taxes [the IBI] are lower in Galicia than almost anywhere else in Spain

Tourist nights were up this year but per capita spend was down. More cheap Brits, I imagine.

Prices for new flats in Galician cities range from 1250 euros per square metre in Ferrol to 1816 in Vigo and La Coruña. The average for Galicia is 1627, against 3788 in Madrid.

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