

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I said the other day that, despite being officially one of the poorer EU countries, Spain’s second home ownership is the highest in Europe. Now we learn that Galicia – despite being Spain’s second poorest region – has a percentage of second home ownership above the national average. I guess it must all make sense to someone. Perhaps they’re all owned by Colombian drug barons and their employees.

I read that Galicia’s [and Spain’s] premier white wine - Albariño – is now to be developed for American tastes. I wonder what on earth this means. Oak chips in the stainless steel vats?

Shopping tonight amidst loud musak, it struck me a good deal of Spanish singing amounts to little more than impassioned shouting. I blame flamenco.

Articles about the UK/England giving Scotland the independence most Scots are said to want are all the rage in the British media at the moment. For those Basque, Catalan or Galician nationalists interested in these developments, here’s a good example.

I did finally buy a humane cage to catch mice and rats. Over the past few days, I’ve trapped and released into the forest 5 mice. Either there’re an awful lot of them in my garage or I’ve stumbled on a potential competitor for homing pigeons. And perhaps a whole new sport.

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