

Saturday, July 21, 2007

You know you’re past it when the BBC uses a word – Milf – that you don’t understand. If you’re as ignorant as I was, a Google search adding the word ‘Ross’ will quickly enlighten you.

Talking of the media, I never thought I’d ever say this but I’ve finally abandoned Skye’s News-for-Imbeciles in favour of France 24 and their excellent English speakers. Given that Rupert Murdoch has cheapened and corrupted everything he’s ever touched, is there really no law anywhere in the world under which he and all his editors could be taken out and summarily shot? By the way, I call it ‘the SIDAM touch’ – the MIDAS touch in reverse.

The Galician Xunta has launched a new web portal – www.bygalicia.eu This is naturally in Gallego but there are Spanish and English versions. Its aim, I guess, is to promote investment in Galicia and I wish them well. The rationale for the name of the site is along the lines ‘It’s more important people think products are made by Galicia, rather than just in Galicia’. I guess they’ve had the consultants in. Perhaps the same ones who designed London’s 2012 Olympics logo. Sadly - but unsurprisingly - the English text of the site has not been done, or even vetted, by a native English speaker. Hard to believe they couldn't afford it.

As it’s Saturday, little bit of Spanglish – The English word ‘stripper’ usually [and regularly] appears in Spain as streeper but I recently saw it rendered as strepper. Which would certainly confuse me.

In the UK, the position that used to be called the Secretary for Education is now called the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. Could there be any more eloquent testimony to the onwards march of the Nanny state?

As someone who left the UK because I felt the place was not only insane but had also lost its soul, I naturally found this article on the attractions of Continental society persuasive. What the author says of Munich holds very true for Spanish cities as well. One wonders if Britain will ever recover.

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