One of the sticks with which the Spanish media regularly beats the USA is its failure to sign up to the Kyoto treaty. Which make it all the more ironic that CO2 emissions have risen by only 14% there since 2002, against 51% here in Spain. Surprisingly, the best performance is from Russia, where emissions have actually fallen by 34%. As they have done in France and the UK, by 4 and 15%, respectively.
A Pontevedra Photo Special . . .
A few months ago - during the summer - I posted a picture of the offices of the Rias Baixas tourist board, illustrating the challenge faced by those who wanted to access it. Well, things have moved on and this is how it looks now . . .
Or, to be more exact, this is the approach to the entrance you have to negotiate . . .
I guess it's a good job tourists are thin on the ground right now, despite the excellent weather.
Finally, this is the place - Campillo - where Pontevedra's youngsters used to gather for the botellón [binge drinking], before they were exiled to the other side of the river a few months ago. There used to be a number of trees here but, as you can see, they've all gone now. Reportedly, there'll eventually be lawns and shrubs here. Meanwhile, the good news is that the excavations have revealed a huge chunk of the walls of the old town . . .
I guess one day the cranes, bulldozers and diggers will cease their frenetic activity and life will return to its sedate, pre-boom state. Unless, of course, the council decides to invest in public works as a way out of the recession. Just when you thought it was safe to venture out into the street . . .
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