

Saturday, May 30, 2009

As it can sometimes seem that Spain is a little slow in accessing new technologies, it’s good to read that she is a world leader when it comes to the provision of an electronic security card which allows you to do several useful things - such as checking the points you’ve lost for speeding offences - from the comfort of your laptop. When it’s working of course.

As my daughter and her friends didn’t want to be woken before 10 this morning, I thought I’d knock off a couple more car dealers between 9.15 and 10.00. Bad thinking. No sign of anyone in the showrooms during this period. When will I learn? You might think I could compensate by devoting some time to this urgent task tomorrow, Sunday, but you’d be wrong. This may be the day par excellence for visiting car showrooms in the UK and elsewhere but none of them is open here. In fact, the same applies to Saturday afternoon and evening as well. This is prime beach time.

Which reminds me . . . Although the central government has said that, in the interests of competition, it will relax the strict controls on the number of super/hypermarkets that can open in any zone, several regional governments have signalled that they will ignore this. As with smoking bans and various other pieces of central legislation, it seems that Madrid proposes but the regional governments dispose.

I’ve yet to find out what caused my laptop to die but I do wonder about a request for a swap of Skype contact details a few seconds before it happened. This ostensibly came from my sister but, as I feared, she says not. I’m checked to see whether there is a new virus around but can find only evidence of one which comes as an attachment to a specious chat message. So, if anyone can throw light on this for the benefit of us all, this would be appreciated.

Finally, at dinner last night, one of my daughter’s friends said she didn’t know the difference between a whippet and a ferret but was aware they were both ‘connected with northern sports.’ This would have been bad enough if she’d been from the South but, astonishingly, she hails from Accrington. All of which will mean absolutely nothing to many of you. Especially those who don’t know what either a whippet or a ferret might be. But there's always Wikipedia.

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