El País clearly has it in for Italy's President Berlusconi. After printing the photos this week that so annoyed him, they have a major section and an editorial on him today. One wonders why this is. David Jackson has suggested he's resented generally in Spain for endorsing the stereotypical image of Latin men and that the owners of El País resent his attempts to buy them out. Which may all be true but there's now a third possible reason in Berlusconi's decision to take legal action against the paper. Let's hope he's not successful.
The major cities in Galicia are Vigo, La Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Santiago and Pontevedra. Puttting two items of today's news together, I realised that Ponters is the only one of these to lack both a branch of El Corte Inglés and an outlet of the chain called La Boutique del Sexo. Which seems very unfair.
Which reminds me . . . If you're in the La Coruña area tomorrow, you might just be able to catch the last day of the first ever Galician Festival of Erotica. If you take your camera along, you could even make your own porn film, along with a hundred other like-minded souls in the crowd.
The Spanish are famous for a relaxed attitude to rules they find personally inconvenient. But few of them go as far as the residents on both sides of a road which runs through nearby Marín. These folk have taken exception to the new solid white line down the middle of the road, as it prevents them from turning into their garages without a two kilometre round trip. So they've painted over it in the middle of the night. Three times now. The show could run and run.
Which is as good a lead as any into the first bit of Spanglish for a while. Viz. runrún, which means 1. a rumour, and 2. a humming noise. So possibly not Spanglish but merely
onomatopaeia. Or both.
Finally, visiting Cangas this evening, I noticed several houses not far from the sea bearing placards protesting against them being adversely affected by the 'capricious' Law of the Coast, forbidding construction within a certain distance of the shore. If so, then so is the relatively newly built town hall in the same line. Which is a tad ironic.
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