

Monday, September 28, 2009

I’ve returned to a Pontevedra enjoying a wonderful Indian summer. Which, by the way, prompts me to tell you I learned today that the Spanish equivalent of Luketide is el verano/veranito de San Miguel. When the weather gets a little warmer. Thanks, I believe, to the Gulf Stream. And from which we get the word ‘lukewarm’.

Reader Sierra has correctly pointed out that Galicia – or at least the Rías Baixas – bucked the Spanish trend this summer. While most of the rest of the country had a hotter season than average, ours was noticeably cooler. Though no wetter, I suspect. And certainly not cold.

Well, two of my 2009 forecasts seem to be heading West. After a short period or rises as far as 1.17 to the euro – in the direction of my prediction of 1.25 by the year end – the pound has now fallen back to 1.09. Or around parity in most exchange places. And I suspect my forecast of 2018 for the commissioning of the AVE high-speed train here in Galicia won’t now be achieved. If they couldn’t keep things on track during the good times, they’re hardly likely to do so during a recession-cum-depression.

Which reminds me . . . The question of the moment seems to be whether the Spanish economy will follow the Italian route over the next decade. Especially under another three years of the Zapatero administration. Which would only point up his hubris of a couple of years ago, when he boasted that Spaniards were already richer than the Italians and would overtake the French and even the Germans by 2012. With things as they are now, he’ll be lucky to get them past the free-falling British.

I’ve held off mentioning it but El País has been banging on for what seems like ever about rampant corruption in the opposition PP party. You wonder why they bother as, as far as I can tell, no one here cares a jot about it. And it’s unlikely to change voting intentions. Meanwhile, of course, the essence of the PP response is that government ministers and senior legal officials are all liars who’ve set up the PP for political purposes. But I don’t suppose anyone believes this either. Or is expected to. It’s just how the game is played.

Finally . . . Galicia: The Switzerland of Spain – I’ve published a few more chapters. Click the link to read about:-
Chapter 1 – Ancient Galicia
Chapter 2 - The Geography of Galicia
Chapter 5 – The language of Galicia
Chapter 8 – La Coruña
Chapter 20 – Pontevedra
Chapter 24 – Betanzos and Ferrol

The text available on the internet is full of errors. I’ve corrected many but can be reached at colindavies@terra.es by anyone who wants to tell me of the ones I’ve missed. Even Latin and Greek scholars. But not Galicians who want Gallego to be spelled like Portuguese. Believe me, they exist.

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