

Friday, October 02, 2009

In their relentless quest to have a good party every weekend from, well, January 1 to December 31, the good burghers of Pontevedra have initiated a new one in mid September. The lacuna was in the area of fiestas gastronomicas so it was inevitable, I guess, we'd henceforth have a seafood festival at this time of year. Just a couple of weeks after the Medieval Fair, inaugurated only ten years ago but now huge. We may be in the midst of a recession - possibly even a depression - but life must go on. At least until north European taxpayers stop sending us solidarity subventions.

A few weeks ago, I received a circular from my gas supplier, saying they were sending someone to inspect my installation in September. I wasn't in when these people called and, since the note they left didn't acutally have the number they referred to, I sent them an email saying I'd be in Extremadura on the back-up date and asking for a visit at the end of the month. They replied they couldn't possibly arrange a visit to suit me and that they'd call anyway. Which they did. Leaving another note, this time telling me they'd issue a report without an inspection. Which should be interesting. "Called but you were out. We have no idea whether you're at risk or not. Be it on your own head"?

Well, I was going to tell you about the four new chapters of Ms Meakin's book I spent two hours re-formatting this morning. But, as they're on my other laptop at home, there'd be no point as I can't post them to my Galicia web page. Tomorrow then.

So, in the absence of this, I refer those of you who haven't yet enjoyed it to the correspondence around my blog of Wednesday, starring the ineffable Mr Cade in one of his many guises. Clicking this should take you straight to it. In case you don't know, Mr Cade is an angry Galician - resident in the UK - who regards anyone who disagrees with him - especially me - as an idiot. And his fellow Galicians as cretins for not sharing his view that Galicia and Gallego should be re-incorporated back into Portugal and Portuguese, respectively. He may or may not be serious. But I was tickled by reader Moscow's suggestion today that he's really Sacha Baron Cohen in his new persona. Enjoy!

Finally, I was interested to read this evening that the new term for Multiple Personality Disorder is Dissociative Identity Disorder. Or DID. Quite a coincidence.

So, tune in again later for what Cade DID next.

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