

Monday, June 07, 2010

Well, most of my fellow pilgrims went home today, the weather broke and life returned to humdrum mundanity. Or would have done if I’d been able to make a start on the pile of paper on my desk. Maybe tomorrow, when the rain is sheeting down from the Atlantic Blanket that again enveloped us this evening.

Meanwhile, I see that the work on the broken walkway fence that was inminente three months ago was not carried out during my ten-day absence. I must check on the Spanish Academy’s definition of the word. Perhaps it’s a ‘false friend’.

I leave you with this account of study methods at the university of Santiago. It reminds me of the incident a few years ago, when the Law Faculty there was criticised for giving degrees to only 20% of the students. How could they possibly do more - the Dean asked – when more than 80% of them didn’t attend the lectures. Still, the Bolgona Process will change all that, surely.

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