

Friday, April 22, 2011

The defeated British Labour appears to have abandoned its commitment to the EU. As one commentator has put it:- “It is already safe to say that Ed Miliband’s Labour Party is considerably more Eurosceptic than at any time since 1988. The consequences for British politics are profound. For the past 20 years, the Conservatives have been the only major Eurosceptic party in Britain. This meant they felt so isolated that they were afraid to speak out. Now both the big parties are Eurosceptic. Indeed, Balls and Alexander are egging on Osborne and William Hague towards open conflict.” Interesting times. No wonder Cameron felt able to say No to an increase in the EU budget. Not that anyone will listen to him, of course.

In a graphic, if extreme, example of how many young Spaniards think, the papers there have all run the story of a judge who has obliged a ‘ni-ni’ youngster - one who neither works nor studies - to leave the family home. The 25 year old sued his parents in an attempt to get a monthly payment of €400 but the judge decided he was fit for work and that he should leave the family home, assisted by €200 a month from his parents.

Prospects for the Spanish property market continue to look depressing, especially for those of us trying to sell something. Here's Mark Stucklin – plus a Spanish expert – on the subject.

Whilst the UK has been bathed in unseasonal sunshine and temperatures in the 20s, the rain in Spain has fallen mainly on the Spaniards. Especially in Seville, where “The famous Good Friday processions were cancelled for the first time since the Spanish Civil War, bringing bitter disappointment to women allowed to participate in the religious event for the first time ever.” Perhaps God isn't a woman after all.

Back here in the UK, the BBC News tonight covered the riots in Syria and the murderous response of the security forces. They told us that a 12 year old had been killed but that the pictures were “too graphic to show”. I'm betting this wasn't the case back in Spain, where they like their gore.

Finally . . . This is the web page of an organisation which serves the needs of expats in north Portugal. And possibly south Galicia as well.

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