

Monday, May 27, 2013

Final fotos. Normal service will resume tomorrow . . . .

As I was walking down to Santiago railway station this evening

I passed through a barrio which struck me as probably the one to live in some years ago.

And then someone decided to build these opposite . . .

Talk about 60s brutal!

Anyway, a Spanish friend has asked me whether I don't think it's strange that there was no blood flowing from the corpse of the English soldier hacked to death in Woolwich. And none on the clothes of the killer talking to the woman who approached him. Or that the latter conversation took place. Or that the police took quite some time to get to the scene. In other words, don't I share the Spanish suspicion that the whole thing was a set-up, designed to help the case for new repressive security measures?


Oh, yes. The French incident was also a set-up, apparently. For the same reasons.

I suppose stranger things have happened. Time will tell.

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