

Friday, January 24, 2014

Pointless ads; Excess deaths; Galician marvels; Airport nonsense; Franco's shadow; & Wasting water.

Prior to another camino in June, I've booked rooms in about 10 hotels in the last week. The result, of course, is that my Facebook and Gmail pages are now festooned with ads for hotels in Spain. The very ones I've just made bookings in. I guess this makes sense to someone but it seems to give the lie to the 'targeted ads' theory. At least in my case.

And talking of promotions . . . They're back! The ads down the right side of my Facebook page, offering me 'rich, mature women' but showing fotos of extremely well endowed young females.

"Excess winter deaths" are those above and beyond what you'd predict for any country's winter months. And you'd expect them to be higher in colder countries than in warm countries. But, in fact, they're lower in Scandinavian countries than in southern European countries like Spain and Portugal. No one really knows why but 'preparedness' has been put forward as a likely explanation. A proportion of southerners are unprepared for the cold snaps and keel over as a consequence. Or perhaps set fire to themselves sitting over the charcoal burners still used in the South.

Back to the North - If you're not yet aware of the marvels of Galicia, this should help you out.

I know I go on about the stupidity of having 3 (loss-making) airports in Galicia but at least things are not as bad as in Albacete (an average of 3 passengers a day) and Huesca (an average of less than 1). I guess I don't need to say these are products of the senseless, corruption-driven spending spree of the boom times that looked so permanent 10 years ago. At least the Galician facilities were constructed in normal times. Well, as 'normal' as any times can be in Spain when it comes to public expenditure.

Which reminds me . . . A new book - Eternal Spain: Corruption and Crisis by Trish Wilson centres on "the shadow of Franco’s dictatorship lingering over democratic Spain, fostering a climate of rampant corruption and sleaze, particularly in politics and the public sector". Sounds like a good read. Kindle only, though.

Finally . . .The water gods are not being kind to me. Over the last year, I've had 3 leaks in my system, which have cost me around 800 euros in total. But I've now developed a 12-point plan to cut my consumption by at least half. The trouble is, water bills here are so weighted with fixed costs that the bills don't really reflect usage. Except when it's very high. So, it'll take me at least 10 years to recoup my money. The most promising way to save cash would be to shoot guests who don't share my view that it shouldn't take more than a minute to shower and 3 minutes to wash your hair. But this would probably be considered bad form on the part of a host.

Talking of water . . . The BBC weather woman said the other night that people in the SE of England could expect pulses of rain. I appreciate they have to jazz up the reports and invent different terms for water falling from the sky but what the hell are 'pulses of rain'?

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