A while back (Back in
the day?) the PP party in Spain promised there'd be no imputados
included in their list of possible parliamentary candidates. Against
the background of relentless corruption, this seemed like a tough
challenge at the time.. But fortunately (for them) the law has just
been changed (by them) and the term imputado has been dropped in
favour of investigado. Hey presto! No criminals in our lists. No
wonder one occasionally gets the feeling one is living in a third
world country.
Possibly stimulated by
the long-awaited decision to stop unjust evictions and demolitions
down south, the Spanish property market is on the move upwards again.
As ever, Brits lead the pack, buying twice as many properties as
the next contender, the French. The percentages are: Brits19%; the
French 9%; the Germans 7%; the Belgians, 7%; the Italians 6%; the
Russians 6%; the Swedes 6%, and the Norwegians 4%.
Talking of national
percentages, the latest DNA analysis of the British throws up some
fascinating points:
- The people of Cornwall and Devon are genetically different
- The Cornish are different from anyone else in Britain
- The Celtic Fringe folk are different from each other
- The southern Welsh are different from the norther Welsh
- There's little evidence of intermarriage with the Romans
- There was little genetic influence on the British of the Vikings (so, more pillage than rape), and
- Many English are 45% French and 25% German. But 'French' here doesn't mean the Norman invaders of 1066; it means the people ("a mystery set of migrants") who wandered north [why??] as the ice melted 15,000 years ago. I'd previously understood these to be Basque. But perhaps they all got in on the act.
In Spanish, the letters
B and V are both pronounced as a B. I thought of this when I saw that
the title of one of the books on the shelves contained the word
"Improbement", suggesting the opposite had been the case in
England in 1656. But I can find no support for this on the internet.
The British are rather
fazed by breasts. Something you could never accuse the Spanish of
being. In today's Daily Mail, the Home Secretary, Teresa May, is
taken to task for displaying no more décolletage than one would see on the average
TV News anchor-woman in Spain. The paper compares Mrs May with a glamour
model. Which would also be true of the the average anchor-woman in
Spain. Judge for yourselves here.
In southern Galicia, we
have 12-14 daily newspapers. Each of these contains, well . . . news. In my
mother's home town on Merseyside, there's just one weekly newspaper
and it contains, well . . . adverts. I've never figured out how
Galicia's newspapers survive financially - especially when many
people read them in cafés - but the most plausible suggestion I've
heard is that they're kept alive by ghost subscriptions from town
halls, in return for glowing reportage on local developments.
Finally . . . My mother
has a new kettle. More of a water-boiler-cum-percolator really. You
put the cafetiere or tea-pot under the spout and set it going. The
boiling water then immediately runs slowly down onto the coffee or tea. I assumed
it would stop running when a mugful of water had been dispensed, as
with the machines on the boat. But it didn't and I found myself with
kitchen surfaces awash with hot water and coffee grains. Have you
seen what these can get up to when you give them their freedom?
Anyway, I cleaned up the surfaces and then set about cleaning the
machine, especially the drenched underside of it. And it was then
that I found that, if you grip the top of the machine to turn it
over, you're likely to accidentally depress one of the buttons. The
one which tells the machine to send out a jet of boiling water. I
didn't have anything planned for yesterday morning. So the trip to the
hospital fitted right in.
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