FIFA: Russia, of
course, voted for another Blatter presidency. I wasn't too surprised
to see that RT TV reported things as a western conspiracy "to effect regime change". One wonders whether they could see a parallel
elsewhere. Anyway, on the TV - but not in this article on their site
- they produced a blue-red map showing the stark 'West-East divide'
and I was surprised to see Australia and New Zealand painted red.
Which they shouldn't have been, as they voted against Blatter. But it
was enlightening to know that the affair had nothing to do with
corruption or sport but was all about western power and greed. And
annoyance that Russia and Quatar had been given the rights to World
Cup matches. What a comfortably cosy world view. Final word - The
FIFA federation was described as being 'bruised and battered'; but
shouldn't this be 'blattered'?
Spaniards, we're told,
are slowly cutting out the smoking habit. It's down to a third of the
population, says a new survey. 90% of whom, I guess, are young women
desperate to stay thin and look sophisticated. Deluded, suicidal fools that
they are.
The EU: For those with
a deep interest in the UK relationship with the EU and the real
chances of a Brexit, this is the blog for you. There you'll learn
that the situation has just got simpler - the "Swiss Option"
is now judged to be dead. Which reminds me . . How's this for
arrogance, from someone in Brussels:- "“Everybody is very
aware that Britain is the next big problem on the horizon. The mood
is that we’ve got to save the British from themselves."?
If you were to guess at
what new words the Oxford Junior Dictionary included in its latest
edition you might well come up with blog, broadband, bullet-point,
cut-and-paste, and MP3. But, if asked to guess what words they'd
removed, would you come up with any of acorn, beech, cygnet, fern,
pasture or willow? I suspect not. Well, not if you're over, say, 40.
Finally, and talking of
words:- Here's a list drawn up by an American anglophile of
equivalent words and phrases as between US and UK English. I would
quibble with only 2 or 3 of them:-
1. Tosser – Idiot
2. Cock-up – Screw
3. Bloody – Damn
4. Gobsmacked –
5. Blimey! – My
6. Wanker – Idiot
7. Loo –
8. Nutter –
Crazy Person
9. Her Majesty’s
Pleasure – To be in prison
10. Horses for
Courses – Won’t work for someone else
11. Sod Off – Piss
off/ Go Away
12. Lost the Plot –
Gone Crazy
13. Knackered –
14. Taking the
Piss – Screwing around/ Making fun of
15. Toff – Upper
Class Person
16. Kip – Sleep or
17. Chav/Chavvy –
White trash
18. Know Your Onions – Knowledgeable
19. Dodgy –
20. Wonky – Not
right/ Off
21. Knob Head –
Idiot/ Dickhead
22. Stag Night –
Bachelor Party
23. Hen Party –
Bachelorette Party
24. Blighty –
25. Skive – Lazy
or avoid doing something
25. Bits ‘n Bobs
– Various things
26. Daft Cow –
27. Uni –
28. Punter –
Customer/ Prostitute’s Client
29. Chat Up –
30. Fit – Hot/
31. On the Pull –
Looking for sex
32. Shambles - Things
gone wrong
33. I’m
Off to Bedfordshire – Going to bed
34. Arse-over-tit
– Fall over/ Trip on something
35. Bloody –
36. Gutted –
Sad/ Devastated
37. Slag –
38. Biscuit – Cookie/
39. Full
monty – Whole thing/ Entire
40. Blimey! – My
41. Blinkered –
Narrow or close minded
42. Bob’s Your Uncle
– There you go!
43. Motorway–
Road/ Highway
44. Fanny –
45. Knickers –
Panties/ Underwear
46. Throw a Spanner in the Works – Screw up/
Totally mess up
47. Made
Redundant – Fired from a job
48. Abso-bloody-lutely
– YES!
49. Dog’s Dinner
– Ugly/ Dressed hideously
50. Rubbish –
Garbage or ‘That’s crap!’
P. S. 7pm last night.
Just driving out of a village, I spy a young fox trotting along the
side of the road towards the village. How's that for domesticity?.
Probably heading for the communal bins, to fight it out with the
local dogs and cats.
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