As you'd expect,
President Rajoy now sees himself an even more of a Cameron figure
than ever - the man responsible for bringing Spain out of La Crisis, who should be allowed to finish the job. Of course, he's rather
more burdened by the pervasive corruption in his
party than Cameron was but he may yet be forgiven for this by a
sufficient number of Spaniards. Así son las cosas en España.
During a debate on BBC
TV yesterday, the issue of a Sharia state came up. I thought I'd try to
find a description of "The perfect Sharia state" on the
internet but couldn't find one. The closest I got was this description of how non-Muslims would be treated in such a state.
Interesting reading.
Talking of strange
states . . . Whither the EU? According to our Ambros, it's an
ailing project that lost its emotional hold over Europe's people long
ago and no longer has a plausible claim to economic legitimacy.
He goes on to add: It is clear by now that monetary union is
fundamentally deformed and will never be stable until there is a
fiscal union and an EMU-wide government to back it up, but there is
no democratic support for such a Utopian leap forward in any country.
. . . . The EMU will lurch from crisis to cris is until the victims of
this cruel dynamic rebel through the ballot box, as the Greeks are
already doing. Cheap oil, a weak euro and a blast of QE have together
lifted the region off the reefs for now, but the deformed structure
will be exposed again when the world economy spins into another
downturn. Pretty blunt.
I'm not quite sure
what's going on but it seems Spain's footballers are not happy with
the trifling salaries they get and want more of the money paid for TV
rights. So they're going on strike and all imminent football matches
have been cancelled. Which means the radio will be much quieter next
English: 1. When
writing this blog, I sometimes wonder if 'which' wouldn't be better
than 'that', and vice versa. And I base my decision simply on which
sounds better to me. But yesterday I read that there's a "that/which
rule", which was news to me. I wonder
what it is. 2. This morning I heard
the stand-in leader of the Labour party invent the verb - 'To
anecdote'. As neologisms go, I quite like this one.
Just in case you live
in a cave, here's the Sky News compilation of British political leaders
singing "I Swear". And here's an earlier one on Scotland. Excellent stuff.
Finally . . . I can't
recall what I was looking for but I stumbled across this page last
week. Some days are diamonds; some days are stones.
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