

Friday, July 03, 2015

Funny facts; Guess who? Spain's big C; & More fotos.

Some random - but interesting – facts
  • The human brain is 60% fat.
  • The element essential for all life is . . . . carbon.
  • In Britain in 1950-51, only 6% of 17-19s entered higher education. By 2014, it was 47%.
  • Between the same dates, owner-occupied households rose from 29 to 69%.
  • And children out of wedlock (or 'bastards', as they used to be known) from 5 to 46%
  • While criminal convictions rose from a mere 17,100 to 352,000.

Hard as it may be to believe, this is not a description of Spain: A country still recovering from a financial and moral crisis spurred by endemic croneyism. Where there is a dysfunction of an entire political culture in which the practice of of politics became about the spoils of the system. No, not Spain but . . . Ireland.

Which reminds me . . .
  1. A Valencian ex-banker and politician was arrested earlier week as part of an investigation into unlawful activities connected with 2 local banks. The chap in question was president of the Valencian Community in 2002 and 2003, as well as president of both banks. According to El País: Rampant political corruption has resulted in the plundering of an estimated €12.5 billion from public coffers.
  2. The ex-president of Burberry has paid €31m to to the Spanish tax office to avoid prison.
Finally . . . A couple more fotos of Pontevedra, at both ends of the day:-

Another misty dawn.
The riverside at night. Obviously.

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