Sad to
report, Spain's road death statistics have risen for the first time
in several years. This is attributed to 2 aspects of La Crisis -
inadequately maintained roads and ageing cars. I'm reminded of the
response of a cynical Spanish friend when I waxed lyrical about the new highways back in 2001 - "Just wait and see
what happens when they need to be maintained!".
So, a deal
(an 'agreekment'!) has been struck around Greece, after an all-night
session. At which everyone will surely have been at their best. In
the glare of spotlights and in the absence of a Grexit, the party now
moves on to negotiation of another bail-out for prostate Greece. And
presumably the resignation of the Tsipras administration. What a way
to run a supranational government. P. S. I've just heard Mr Juncker say there are no losers under this 'typical EU' deal. Is he on the same planet?
anyway . . . A new-to-me Spanish word: Un perezoso: 'A sloth'. Lit.
'A lazy'. From: La pereza: 'Laziness'.
Talking of
words . . . You'd think that people who are perfectly fluent in
English would know that the B in 'debt' is completely silent. We say 'det', not deb-t'. Or even 'dep-t'.
Down at
the bottom of the hill, there's a small industrial 'park' through
which I drive every day. It would be larger but for the fact the
developers have been trying, for 13 years now, to get permission to
expand it. The latest proposal has been rejected because of insufficient 'integration with the countryside'. I'd find
this more convincing if the countryside at one end of the park
weren't a not-terribly-attractive gypsy settlement, bits of which are
occasionally knocked down for being illegal. I wonder what the real
reason is.
Talking of
building . . . Construction on a new house below mine began in spring
2013. And it's yet to be finished. Needless to say, work has been
Finally .
. . I don't know what it's like in other Spanish cities, but here in
Pontevedra there's only one Post Office. So, no sub-post offices.
Everyone has to go to the centre of town for everything, which is
rather inconvenient, of course. But I hear rumours of a second
office, in the far north of the city, on the road to Ourense. Sadly,
this is even further for me to walk to.
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