life is not always likeable but it is compellingly loveable.
Christopher Howse: A Pilgrim in Spain.
Note: If you've arrived here because of an interest in Galicia or Pontevedra, see my web page here. But bear in mind I haven't updated it for some years now.
in Spain:-
- The Spanish, it's claimed have the highest interest (65%) of any EU population in having a referendum on leaving the EU. On the other hand, they have one of the lowest rates of interest (13%) in actually doing do. At first blush, this seems rather inconsistent. But, of course, if you know almost no one wants it, there's no risk in having a vote. See here for more on this.
- As I regularly say, there's a large gap between Spain's much lauded macro economic performance of 3%pa GDP growth and what's happening down on the street. Here in Galicia, for example, the average income of our youth (18-35) is not only down from €11,300pa in 2011 to €9,900 in 2015 - probably less now - but it has also been overtaken by that of pensioners, who moved from €10,900 to €12,000 in the same 5 years. Or 21% more than the young folk. This is what (Berlin-driven) 'internal devaluation'/austerity has done here, and probably throughout Spain as well. Meanwhile, the rich have got richer and the politicians have got ever more corrupt. As if reducing wages weren't bad enough, most young employees face permanent 'precariousness', as beneficiaries of zero-hours contract. As elsewhere, the young and the poor are the ones paying the price for the introduction of a common currency without a true fiscal union.
- See here for yet another article praising Spain for its top-level performance. though it's noted that: Real average wages are about where they were a decade ago. Unemployment is still close to 3.5m (or 17%)
- Which reminds me . . . Spain is threatening to block the latest ECB bail-out of basket-case Greece. See here for the rationale. And here's the NYT on this development.
Here's Don Quijones on the latest developments in the Italian banking crisis. The ECB, it seems, is prepared to throw unlimited amounts of (new) money at the problem. DQ makes these comments about the Spanish situation:-
- Banco Popular was liquidity challenged but passed all parts of the ECB’s 2016 stress test, which shows you how ineffectual these tests are.
- Even days before Popular’s collapse, Spain’s Economy Minister repeatedly reassured investors that the bank was perfectly safe and solvent. All the while government agencies - including Spain’s social security fund, and regional government authorities - were emptying the deposits they held with the bank as fast as they could. The total is unknown but it certainly ran into billions of euros.
- Even in Spain, which already restructured its banking sector years ago at a total cost to taxpayers of around €300 billion (including government guarantees), it didn’t take long for contagion to spread. The most affected bank was Liberbank whose shares collapsed by a third in the three days.
The EU: The survey cited above suggests that the desire to ‘take back control’ that drove Britain’s vote to leave the European Union last year is widely shared across the 28-member bloc. The majority of the EU public - without wanting a version of Brexit - nonetheless want want their
governments to have more control over trade and immigration policy. Doesn't seem very likely at the moment but who knows? The EU is in constant crisis/survival mode and might yet effect the major reforms that everyone says are necessary. If Berlin finally agrees to them. Personally, I think it'll be decades before the cautious Germans are prepared to take on the debts of the 'lazy' southerners.
On a happier note . . . I've been recommending Galicia's white godello wine for some years now. And it's red mencia. But this is the first reference I've seen to the former in the UK media. It's laudatory, of course. And this is justifiable. But it surely reflects the fact that the writer was treated to the trip and the tastings. Whereas I am not . . . I think I mentioned the lovely town of Valdeorras del Bierzo a few weeks ago.
The Spanish language:- As a regular - but gratis - translator of menus, I had occasion this week to learn these distinctions:-
Raisins: uvas pasas/pasas
Plums: ciruelas
Prunes: ciruelas pasas; ciruelas secas
Greengages: ciruelas claudias; ciruelas verdales
Damsons: ciruelas damascenas
If you want a good example of Donald Trump's [choose your own noun], take a look at this NYT report on how he stole a family crest and then changed the word Integrity on it to Trump. Says it all really. And you certainly couldn't make it up.
Finally . . . Facebook continues to recommend stuff in which I have zilch interest. Hot on the heels of groups that want Jeremy Corbyn as British Prime Minister have come items in Galician/Galego. This is presumably because I wrote an email about Galician chat-up lines a couple of days ago. The interesting question is . . . How does FB know about this? Eerie.
Today's cartoon . . .
Reign of Idiots
By Chris Hedges
The idiots take over in
the final days of crumbling civilizations. Idiot generals wage
endless, unwinnable wars that bankrupt the nation. Idiot economists
call for reducing taxes for the rich and cutting social service
programs for the poor, and project economic growth on the basis of
myth. Idiot industrialists poison the water, the soil and the air,
slash jobs and depress wages. Idiot bankers gamble on self-created
financial bubbles and impose crippling debt peonage on the citizens.
Idiot journalists and public intellectuals pretend despotism is
democracy. Idiot intelligence operatives orchestrate the overthrow of
foreign governments to create lawless enclaves that give rise to
enraged fanatics. Idiot professors, “experts” and “specialists”
busy themselves with unintelligible jargon and arcane theory that
buttresses the policies of the rulers. Idiot entertainers and
producers create lurid spectacles of sex, gore and fantasy.
There is a familiar
checklist for extinction. We are ticking off every item on it.
The idiots know only
one word—“more.” They are unencumbered by common sense. They
hoard wealth and resources until workers cannot make a living and the
infrastructure collapses. They live in privileged compounds where
they eat chocolate cake and order missile strikes. They see the state
as a projection of their vanity. The Roman, Mayan, French, Habsburg,
Ottoman, Romanov, Wilhelmine, Pahlavi and Soviet
dynasties crumbled because the whims and obsessions of ruling idiots
were law.
Donald Trump is the
face of our collective idiocy. He is what lies behind the mask of our
professed civility and rationality—a sputtering, narcissistic,
bloodthirsty megalomaniac. He wields armies and fleets against the
wretched of the earth, blithely ignores the catastrophic human misery
caused by global warming, pillages on behalf of global oligarchs and
at night sits slack-jawed in front of a television set before opening
his “beautiful” Twitter account. He is our version of the Roman
emperor Nero, who allocated vast state expenditures to attain magical
powers, the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang, who funded repeated
expeditions to a mythical island of immortals to bring back the
potion that would give him eternal life, and a decayed Russian
royalty that sat around reading tarot cards and attending séances as
their nation was decimated by war and revolution brewed in the
This moment in history
marks the end of a long, sad tale of greed and murder by the white
races. It is inevitable that for the final show we vomited a
grotesque figure like Trump. Europeans and Americans have spent five
centuries conquering, plundering, exploiting and polluting the earth
in the name of human progress. They used their technological
superiority to create the most efficient killing machines on the
planet, directed against anyone and anything, especially indigenous
cultures, that stood in their way. They stole and hoarded the
planet’s wealth and resources. They believed that this orgy of
blood and gold would never end, and they still believe it. They do
not understand that the dark ethic of ceaseless capitalist and
imperialist expansion is dooming the exploiters as well as the
exploited. But even as we stand on the cusp of extinction we lack the
intelligence and imagination to break free from our evolutionary
The more the warning
signs are palpable—rising temperatures, global financial meltdowns,
mass human migrations, endless wars, poisoned ecosystems, rampant
corruption among the ruling class—the more we turn to those who
chant, either through idiocy or cynicism, the mantra that what worked
in the past will work in the future, that progress is inevitable.
Factual evidence, since it is an impediment to what we desire, is
banished. The taxes of corporations and the rich, who
have deindustrialized the country and turned many of our
cities into wastelands, are cut, and regulations are slashed to bring
back the supposed golden era of the 1950s for white American workers.
Public lands are opened up to the oil and gas industry as rising
carbon emissions doom our species. Declining crop yields stemming
from heat waves and droughts are ignored. War is the principal
business of the kleptocratic state.
Walter Benjamin wrote
in 1940 amid the rise of European fascism and looming world war: "A Klee painting
named Angelus Novus shows an angel looking as though he is
about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His
eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is
how one pictures the angel of history. His face is turned towards the
past. Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single
catastrophe, which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it
in front of his feet. The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead,
and make whole what has been smashed. But a storm is blowing from
Paradise; it has got caught in his wings with such violence that the
angel can no longer close them. The storm irresistibly propels him
into the future to which his back is turned, while the pile of debris
before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress."
Magical thinking is not
limited to the beliefs and practices of pre-modern cultures. It
defines the ideology of capitalism. Quotas and projected sales can
always be met. Profits can always be raised. Growth is inevitable.
The impossible is always possible. Human societies, if they bow
before the dictates of the marketplace, will be ushered into
capitalist paradise. It is only a question of having the right
attitude and the right technique. When capitalism thrives, we are
assured, we thrive. The merging of the self with the capitalist
collective has robbed us of our agency, creativity, capacity for
self-reflection and moral autonomy. We define our worth not by our
independence or our character but by the material standards set by
capitalism—personal wealth, brands, status and career advancement.
We are molded into a compliant and repressed collective. This mass
conformity is characteristic of totalitarian and authoritarian
states. It is the Disneyfication of America, the land of eternally
happy thoughts and positive attitudes. And when magical thinking does
not work, we are told, and often accept, that we are the problem. We
must have more faith. We must envision what we want. We must try
harder. The system is never to blame. We failed it. It did not fail
All of our systems of
information, from self-help gurus and Hollywood to political
monstrosities such as Trump, sell us this snake oil. We blind
ourselves to impending collapse. Our retreat into self-delusion is a
career opportunity for charlatans who tell us what we want to hear.
The magical thinking they espouse is a form of infantilism. It
discredits facts and realities that defy the glowing cant of slogans
such as “Make America great again.” Reality is banished for
relentless and baseless optimism.
Half the country may
live in poverty, our civil liberties may be taken from us,
militarized police may murder unarmed citizens in the streets and we
may run the world’s largest prison system and murderous war
machine, but all these truths are studiously ignored.
Trump embodies the
essence of this decayed, intellectually bankrupt and immoral world.
He is its natural expression. He is the king of the idiots. We are
his victims.
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