

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Thoughts from Galicia: 19.11.17

Spanish life is not always likeable but it is compellingly loveable.

- Christopher Howse: A Pilgrim in Spain. 

If you've arrived here because of an interest in Galicia or Pontevedra, see my web page here.

  • As expected, all the prominent nationalists will be standing in the Dec 21 elections, but this time not as members of a united separatist front. The ERC has rejected a joint ticket but might well end up as the majority party. 

  • What we foreigners rate most highly about Spain. French folk might well laugh - or at least smile - at the winner.
  • It's been known for a while that Rajoy's PP government was robbing blind the country's pension fund. But Don Quijones tells us here just how far things have gone and what the consequences are and will be. As he says:- There are 2 main causes for Spain’s pensions nightmare: the rapid ageing of Spanish society, and the mass destruction of decent or semi-decent paying jobs in the wake of the financial crisis. Both problems are evident across most advanced Western economies, but they are particularly pronounced in Spain.
  • I've mentioned a few times how sensitive the Spanish forces of law are to anything which they feel insults them. And that they have an infamous law to help them assuage their hurt feelings. Here they are, at it again.

  • It has to be said that there are some truly ugly buildings here. Plus many beautiful ones, of course. The Portuguese do seem to have a love affair with cheap-looking, brutal, modern stuff. It would he hard to find the winner of a contest but this one in Figueira de Foz would be a good contestant. That said, it's possible I'm being unfair, as it might be unfinished and abandoned. Hard to say.

  • As far as I'm aware, on-street pay-for parking places in other countries are designated by blue lines. Not in Portugal, where they're the normal white lines. And the parking notice-cum-machine in the square in front of your hotel might not be at all visible. Result – an unexpected and unwelcome fine. But at least they give you the bad news in good, polite English as well as in Portuguese. I can't help feeling it was a mistake to give me 15 days . . .
  • In case you need to know, Fartura appears to mean 'shop' or 'stall'.

We are now beginning to see the consequences of the dominance of a half-educated elite. More here.

The UK
Here'sthe first 2 most read items in today's Sunday Telegraph. Surely tells you something about British society:-
  1. Dog 'dies of a broken heart' after being dumped at airport by her owner
  2. World's first human head transplant a success, controversial scientist claims

The Spanish Language:

A 'very Spanish' phrase - Estar en Babia.

Nutters Corner
If they kill our president or they destroy him or whatever, if we elect the other side this is it. I think maybe Trump is here to give us time to get ready because all hell is going to break loose. We’re not going to have the Antichrist just show up to get the sign of the Mark of the Beast on our forehead or hand. It won’t happen without hunger. Hunger is going to be the main thing. Most people don’t get it. They don’t want to get it. But that is why I am so obsessed with you all being prepared. - Evangelist TV host, Jim Bakker. Who just happens to sell buckets of food. Such as the 60 dollar 'Pancake Bulk Bucket', which contains enough goo for 400 pancakes. And with which you get a free Christmas ornament. You might not be surprised to hear that Mr B has already served time.

  • A description I'd never heard before: The city where pedestrians are kings. Pretty true. If you ignore the cyclists.
  • But . . . More drug news here. Though the Daily Mail didn't think Pontevedra merited a mention.

Finally . . .

Bit of a suprise, courtesy of my friend, David.

Footnote: Sorry, Maria. I accidentally erased your last comment. I will come back on the exact location of the speed trap but must say it was a few years ago. For now, I can advise it is/was between Tui and Tomiño.

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