Spanish life is not always likeable but it is
compellingly loveable.
Howse: A
Pilgrim in Spain.
- Google Translation turned la progresiva norirlandización de Cataluña into the progressive North-Russianization of Catalonia. Beyond me. Anyone got a theory?
- Europe's oldest language – Basque(Euskara) – is being revived, it's reported here. This – hard-to-learn language - remains a mystery. It has no known origin or relation to any other language, an anomaly that has stumped linguistic experts for ages.
- The Wall St Journal – not his favourite reading – tells us that President Fart has spent almost a third of his first year in office at one of his own properties. Says the paper: He spent nearly 40 days at his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, and another 40 days at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida resort where he is enjoying a ten-day Christmas break.
The UK
- For some time now, the most favoured dog in Pontevedra has been the French bulldog - a creature which ranks behind only the pug in my list of detestable small canines. Now I read that this is true of the UK as well. This is despite the fact that these flat-faced breeds often have serious health problems and are likely to visit huge vets' bills on their owners, when the poor dogs give up on trying to breathe. Insane.
- But the UK – or England, at least – might display even greater signs of madness, this columnist suggests. My thanks to my Santiago friend, Dutch Peter 1, for this.
Nutters Corner
- This speaks for itself.
- Who could disagree with this recommendation from a UK columnist?: Over the next 12 months, internet giants like Facebook and Google should start taking responsibility for the menace they have unleashed on society. Maybe they could start by giving a chunk of their vast profits to tackle cyber-bullying and online abuse.
English Language
- In the article on the Basque language above, the caption to one foto says: Franco forbid the use of Euskara. Is 'forbid' the US alternative for the British past tense 'forbade'? As in spit/spit instead of spit/spat. Inter alia. Or is it just a typing mistake?
- Entering or leaving major cities by train usually means passing through a drab, industrial hinterland. Not so with Santiago de Compostela, I noticed on Sunday last. I got to wondering whether this is because, in truth, SdC doesn't have much by way of industry. On this, the Encyclopedia Brittanica says: Among its chief economic activities are the manufacture of furniture, electronic machinery, and food products. Artistic industries include silverwork and wood engraving. Banking, tourism, construction, and telecommunications are also major sources of income. And Wiki tells us that: Santiago's economy - although still heavily dependent on public administration, cultural tourism, industry, and higher education - is becoming increasingly diversified. New industries such as timber transformation, the automotive industry, and telecommunications and electronics have been established. But nothing by way of heavy industry, it would seem. Like Vigo's huge car manufacturing plant, for example.
- In 2007, a chap called Sutton published a well-received book called: The No Asshole Rule. He's now followed this up with The Asshole Survival Guide: How to Deal With People Who Treat You Like Dirt and he claims that 2017 was The Year of the Asshole, when we reached 'peak assholity'. He gives 3 reasons for this:- growing income inequality, which encourages bosses to be more aggressive and think they can get away with it; the heedless rush of modern life, where civility and consideration for co-workers too often go by the board; and – you've guessed it - social media, where trolls often use anonymity to behave badly. For a 4th factor, you'll have to read the Guardian article here. Need I add that Sutton sees Fart as “2017’s elephant asshole in the room”. I particularly like his observation that Fart and the North Korean president are “two men in search of a single brain”. Entertaining stuff.
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