

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Thoughts from Galicia, Spain: 14.4.18

Spanish life is not always likeable but it is compellingly loveable.
- Christopher Howse: A Pilgrim in Spain. 

If you've arrived here because of an interest in Galicia or Pontevedra, see my web page here.

Spain v Cataluña
  • In the wake of John Carlin's criticisms of all concerned in this imbroglio and of his reference to the excessive reaction to German developments here in Spain, I've included below a representative article from a columnist in the Voz de Galicia. He seems to be astonished – and very angry – that other judicial systems don't operate quite as they do here. As an arm of politics. He also sees it as a huge insult to Spain. Astonishing.
  • Lenox Napier has stuck out his neck and predicted that the Spanish Government of Spain will fall within weeks. Either with a motion of censure, an interruption from the Constitutional Court or from the abrupt resignation of Mariano Rajoy.
  • The PP party, by the way, was originally the People's Alliance, founded by an ex-Franco minister. Hopefully, it's on its last pseudo-Franco legs, having failed to notice that the British Conservative party is the most successful in Europe/the world for the simple reason that it changed with the times. And didn't try stop the tide coming in. Good riddance, I'd say. Especially to Sr Rajoy, who is a disgrace to Galicia.
Life in Spain
  • Being a woman in Spain brings its difficulties, says El País here. Thank god this wasn't penned by a foreigner.
  • By my count, this is The Local's 6th list for April and the 35th for the year so far. On films about the Spanish Civil War. I do hope they are brightening your life. Though maybe not this last one . . .
  • You might not have seen these views on Fart from James Comey, the former FBI director:-
- He has turned the White House into a cocoon of alternate reality.
- He rules through fear and a mobster-like obsession with personal fealty
- He is untethered to reality and a serial liar.
- Dealing with him gave me flashbacks to my earlier career as a prosecutor against the Mob
- He lies about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organisation above morality and above the truth. 
  • And here are 8 rules for understanding the man. Fart, not Comey . . . No suprises.
  • Now take a deep breath . . . Since the Stormy Daniels scandal began, Trump’s support among evangelicals has gone up. Click here on this.
The question of the moment: Does a country always get the leader it deserves???

  • A bit of Galician culture for you – A muñeira played to the rhythm of hip-hop. Whatever that is.
  • The Xunta of Galicia has opted for trying to bribe its young to return to their patria chica, With grants and bursaries, inter alia. I wish them luck. There are said to be 517,457 Galicians living outside the region. (I lied about the 457. Phony Spanish exactitude.)
  • On a replay of an episode of the British TV comedy quiz show, QI, last night, I heard a joke I've been telling for 40 years at least, concerning rissoles misspelt pissholes on a menu. You are lucky if you don't know it. Probably.
© David Colin Davies, Pontevedra: 14.4.18


La insufrible ofensa de los jueces alemanes: Roberto L. Blanco Valdés

This is the original version. The English version is below. It's a machine translation, tarted up by me. It clearly had trouble with Blanco's florid style, so tarting up wasn't as easy as it usually is! 

It's in both languages so that a native speaker can correct any mistakes.

Amedida que vamos conociendo mejor la resolución del tribunal de Schleswig-Holstein, se hace más irritante la ignorancia y ligereza con que, como elefante en cacharrería, ha adoptado aquel una decisión trascendental, dominada por los prejuicios contra España -tan perniciosos como infundados- y un increíble mal hacer profesional. Y, por ello, crece a paso de gigante la terrible sensación de que España debe ser para los jueces alemanes encargados del asunto algo así como Zimbabue. Como Zimbabue, porque parece que nuestro país estuviera en otro continente y a muchos miles de kilómetros de distancia de la patria de Beethoven

Ya no se trata solo de que el tribunal del land se atreva a juzgar las presuntas conductas delictivas de Puigdemont, ¡lo que solo corresponde a nuestros jueces!, y dicte una resolución descabellada en la que se permite entrar en él fondo del asunto, violando con ello, además de la filosofía en la que se basa la euroorden, la letra de sus normas, especialmente la Decisio?n Marco del Consejo de 13 de junio del 2002 relativa a la orden de detención europea y a los procedimientos de entrega entre Estados miembros.

Se trata de que para justificar la supuesta ausencia de violencia según los parámetros de la jurisprudencia alemana -irrelevantes una vez constatada la existencia de un tipo penal equivalente en Alemania al de nuestra rebelión-, los jueces del land se atreven también, con una osadía solo comparable a su desinformación, a proclamar que los actos de secesión de Cataluña «no pueden considerarse más notables en cuanto a su carácter, alcance y efectos» que los disturbios acaecidos en Fráncfort en 1981, cuando unos ecologistas se opusieron por la fuerza a las obras de ampliación de un aeropuerto que afectaba a una reserva natural.

Lo dicho. ¡Como si nuestro país fuera Zimbabue! Para entendernos: los actos sediciosos de un Gobierno y un Parlamento regionales, que, a lo largo de más de un año, violaron flagrantemente la Constitución desobedeciendo con berroqueña contumacia las sentencias reiteradas de los tribunales de Justicia, organizaron un referendo ilegal con motivo del cual se produjeron gravísimos actos de resistencia activa y pasiva y de violencia, y declararon luego por dos veces la independencia y la república son equivalentes para los jueces de Schleswig-Holstein (land conocido por su Lütt un Lütt, cerveza con una pequeña porción de Schnaps) a la acción de unos ecologistas que en un aeropuerto se enfrentaron a la policía, levantando barricadas en llamas y usando cócteles molotov.

Ante tal despropósito, absolutamente inadmisible, el Gobierno de España, confundiendo las churras con las germanas, se ha limitado a decir que, como siempre, respeta las sentencias judiciales. Que actúe así con los jueces españoles es lo que cabe esperar de cualquier Gobierno democrático. Que lo haga con una sentencia tan demencial, de unos jueces alemanes, que da alas a la secesión, resulta sencillamente inconcebible.

The insufferable offence of the German judges: 

As we become better acquainted with the decision of the Schleswig-Holstein court, all the more irritating become the ignorance and lightness with which, like an elephant in a china shop, it made such an important decision, dominated by prejudices against Spain - both pernicious and unfounded - and committed an incredible professional wrongdoing. And, because of this, the terrible feeling is rapidy growing that Spain, for the German judges in charge of the case, must be like Zimbabwe. Like Zimbabwe, because it looks like our country is on another continent and many thousands of kilometres away from Beethoven's homeland.

It's not just a matter of the Lande court presuming to judge Puigdemont's alleged criminal behaviour - which is something for our judges only! - but of handing down an insane decision which permitted the merits of the case to be examined, thereby violating, not just the philosophy on which the European arrest warrant is based, but also the letter of its rules, in particular the Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 relating to the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States.

It revolves around the fact that - for the purpose of justifying the alleged absence of violence according to the parameters of German jurisprudence - irrelevant once the existence of a type of crime in Germany equivalent to that of our rebellion has been established - the Lande judges also dared, with an audacity only equal to their ignorance, to proclaim that the acts of secession from Catalonia 'cannot be considered more remarkable in their nature, scope and effects' than the riots in Frankfurt in 1981, when environmentalists forcibly opposed the extension works on an airport that affected a nature reserve.

As I said, it's as if our country were Zimbabwe! So that we're all clear on this: the seditious acts of a regional government and parliament, which, for more than a year, flagrantly violated the Constitution by disobeying the repeated sentences of the courts of justice, organized an illegal referendum when very serious acts of active and passive resistance and violence took place, and then twice declared independence and the establishment of a republic are seen by the judges of Schleswig-Holstein (a Lande known for its Lütt un Lütt, a beer with a small portion of Schnaps) as equivalent to the action of environmentalists who confronted the police, setting up burning barricades and using Molotov cocktails.

Faced with such nonsense, which is absolutely unacceptable, the Spanish Government, confusing apples and pears[sheep and goat/wheat and chaff], has simply said that, as always, it respects judicial decisions. That it should do so with Spanish judges is what you would expect from any democratic government. It is simply inconceivable that it should do so with a verdict from German judges so crazy that it gives wings to secession.

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