

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thoughts from Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain: 31.12. 20

 Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops.

Spanish life is not always likeable but it is compellingly loveable. 

- Christopher Howse: 'A Pilgrim in Spain'*  


The Cognitive dissonance in the Covid narrative is simply ridiculous.See here for the article below this headline.

Living La Vida Loca in Galicia/Spain 

Will 2021 really be a hell of a lot better? After cancelling its Feria de Abril, Seville has now done likewise to its even more famous Holy Week processions  

This comment on Prussian society left me wondering what the British, American and Spanish lists of values  would be: The Prussian half-century - in which unification shaded into empire - indelibly moulded modern Germany, for better and for worse. Slowly, a society emerged that shared values such as hard work, punctuality, honesty and precision that came to be seen as intrinsically German.

Whatever Spain's values might be, what can't be taken from them is the label of the happiest nation in Europe. Though not as happy as Indians and some others.

Which allows a segue into 'Spanishness' - In what does it reside? Apparently not in the 'narrative" of Hilaria/Hillary Baldwin. Who is neither happy nor Spanish right now. Unless you've just dropped in from Mars, you'll know that she's the centre of that modern phenomenon, a Twitter shit-storm, leading to 'cancellation'. For falsely claiming Hispanic ethnicity/heritage. Here’s just one of hundreds of articles on this modern tale.

Here's María's Riding The Wave: Day 47


A mixed week for President Fart:-

1. An extraordinary rebuke from Congress in having his veto rejected for the first time.  A combative and erratic end to his presidency, 

2. Voted, in compensation, The Man Americans Admire Most. Or a small percentage of them at least, albeit more votes than anyone else.

Funny country.


The Way of the World/Nutters Corner

Surveillance capitalism . . . So, what's that when it's in town? See a (long) article on it here.

You don't have to subscribe to The Great Re-set Conspiracy to find this rather chilling but it surely helps. This mad conspiracy - originating in the USA, of course - alleges that "Global financial elites" and world leaders planned the pandemic, deliberately letting loose the coronavirus to cause conditions allowing a restructuring of the world's governments. The main goals of the Great Reset are said to be to take global political and economic control by instating a Marxist totalitarian regime and by extension, the New World Order. It is claimed that such a regime would abolish personal ownership and property rights, send the military into cities, impose mandatory vaccination, and create isolation camps for people who resist.


Finally . . .

I now see another new road sign has been added, just before the road I’ve mentioned twice, cutting off access to the barrio of Alba, except for residents . . .

I suspect it was financed by the owners of the new house on the right, who don’t want people parking in front of their walls/gate.

* A terrible book, by the way. Don't be tempted to buy it, unless you're a very religious Protestant. 


Anonymous said...

Unless you've just dropped in from Mars, you'll know that she's the centre of that modern phenomenon, a Twitter shit-storm...

Do you honestly think only people from Mars would disregard a 'Twitter shit-storm'? Listen to George Carlin on 'Dumb Americans' if you think anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together would care about anything on Twitter. Is 'being stupid' on some people's New Year's Resolutions list?

Colin Davies said...

My meaning was that, given the amount of publicity, only people coming from Mars could be ignorant of the shite storm. Not that only they would ignore/ disregard it, i. e. pay no attention to it.

In British English at least, 'to ignore' doesn't mean 'to not know/be aware of', the first of these Spanish meanings..

1. No saber algo o no tener noticia de ello.
2. No hacer caso de algo o de alguien, o tratarlos como si no merecieran atención.

One can be aware of something and disregard it. But one can't disregard/ignore something if one is ignorant of its existence. Like Martians about events on earth.


Perry said...

Is there a word for it in Spanish?
