

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Thoughts from Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain: 5.6.21

 Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops

Spanish life is not always likeable but it is compellingly loveable

- Christopher Howse: 'A Pilgrim in Spain' 

Detailed info on Galicia and Pontevedra city here.  


Spain: Seems a tad belated . . . The first cases of the Indian variant of COVID-19 ('Delta') have been detected in a Malaga testing centre. 

Cosas de España/Galiza

Every Spaniard wastes 77 kilos of food a year, it says here. Seems a lot but I've no idea how this compares with other countries.

Good news for those thinking of doing a bit of domestic tourism.

Two or three more regions have said they won't comply with the government's latest (pseudo?)dictates on nocturnal restrictions. This commentator goes to town on Madrid's performance in the health area over the last 17 months, alleging that it's been - contrary to the PM's assertions - 'among the least successful' globally and that the Health Ministry's credibility is 'at rock bottom', amidst 'confusion and inequality'.

To my astonishment, one of  my favourite tapas bars is finding it impossible to hire a sous-chef. 'No one wants to work', alleged the head waiter. Too comfortable on furlough? I'm reminded of some friends who had a restaurant at the mouth of the Miño river and had to resort to Portuguese employees, as local Spaniards were unwilling to work the hours.

All you need to know about the remarkable Canfranc Station, which I plan to visit later this year.

Like me, Lenox feeds the birds . . . As I've said, my (many) sparrows have rather lost out to the numerous greedy greenfinches and the collared doves. Not to mention the occasional (hated) magpie.

You have to hand it to them . . . Spanish police seized 300kg of cocaine smuggled into Europe by a drug trafficking gang who disguised it as charcoal. 

Even cuter than next door's kittens . . . And an admirable success story.

The UK & The EU

Post Brexit, it's claimed that both Spain and Portugal have invented rules beyond those of the EU for UK foodstuffs, especially organic products. Not cricket but neither is it very surprising. Rules are there to be either ignored when inconvenient or expanded when convenient. As Richard North puts it: It may be years before we see the full impact of Brexit. But, if the food industries are any guide, the only way is down.

On the other hand . . . Spain has been told off by the European Commission for allowing non-EU visitors into the country without a negative Covid test. But the EU body has no apparent legal standing to enforce a non-compulsory accord between its member countries over ‘allowing in’ people from non-EU territories. So, being inconvenient, the rule is being ignored.

Finally  . . .  

Well, my email to my friend didn't come back to me despite the attached post including 'fag' again. So bang goes that theory.

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