

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Our local council has installed speed bumps at the bottom of the hill, on a short stretch of windy road where – ironically – I’ve never seen any reckless driving. Stupidly dangerous parking, yes. But reckless driving, no. As is the norm here, the bumps at either end are only on one side of the road. This has the predictable consequence of inviting drivers to swerve to the other side to avoid braking. As both of the single obstacles are just before bends, I confidently predict an increase in the accident rate.

Latin-root words which are similar in English and Spanish but have different meanings are called here ‘false friends’. This is a prelude to a bit of advice for all those planning to spend time in any part of Spain where it might rain. ‘Moderado’ doesn’t mean ‘light’ but ‘at least heavy and quite possibly torrential’. ‘Moderado’ thus ranks as the only bit of Spanish understatement with which I’m familiar.

This blog continues to be hit by people looking for naked pictures of Faria Alam. It seems that British society has now degenerated to the point where a female only has to appear in the media for the assumption to be made that there must be nude photos available. No smoke without fire, I guess.

I mentioned fly-tipping the other day. If anyone is in need of a large amount of earth and 30 to 40 plastic flower pots, I can point them in the right direction.

I see the ‘Freedom Tower’ has been chosen to replace the Twin Towers in New York. I can’t help wondering whether the construction of this huge monument will take less than the 2 years it seems to demand for even a small house here.

Quote of the Day

The death of old-style socialism has left a huge gap in Labour's agenda and vexatious legislation is all they can think of to fill it.

Ferdinand Mount, commenting on the UK government’s identity card plans, inter alia.

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