

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

In the Alice in Wonderland world of the Welsh police, anyone and everyone is investigated at the slightest suggestion of a 'racist' remark. This not only includes you, me and the occasional TV reporter but also the British Prime Minister himself. For, truth to tell, he has been written to about some disparaging aside he's alledged to have made. I wonder, firstly, how the crime statistics are moving in Wales and, secondly, if I am guilty of a 'race crime' merely by asking this about a nation's police force. And would my 25% Welsh blood be an adequate defence?

In a survey of the world's 'best' cities in which to live, two Swiss and three German conurbations were placed in the top ten. This rather reminds me of an observation I made yesterday - that life in the UK certainly is more ordered and more 'civil' than in Spain, but less exciting. Or duller, if you prefer. This should lose me a few readers.

It snowed in the south of the UK yesterday. Up here in the north, we merely had a tornado. Though it must have passed me by, possibly during my siesta. I guess the odds on a mini ice-age will have shorrtened in the last week or so. I don't know whether to be more frightened of this than of desertifcation of the north of Spain. But I do hope I live long enough to see whichever it is.

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