

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Slamming is the name given here to the practice of fraudulently signing you up for a phone service that you never asked for and then challenging you to prove that you didn’t. To my pleasant surprise, it’s about to become illegal. This should put a stop to it.

An even more unpleasant practice is robbing your house at knife or gun point. There has been a spate of this along the eastern coast, attributed to a gang of ruthless Romanians. The government’s reaction has been to announce the formation of a new force to counter organised crime. Let’s hope it’s more organised than the criminals. Not to mention the rest of the police.

Two Argentinean gentleman have produced a dictionary of Spanish insults, containing 3,000 entries. I could have done with this yesterday. I wonder if there’ll be a version in one or both of the languages of the more northern part of the country. This could prove even more useful.

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