

Monday, December 18, 2006

Given the antics of the other sex, it’s ironic that the first motorcyclist to be banned from driving under Spain’s recently tightened traffic laws is a young woman from Ciudad Real. Impressively, she managed to lose all the points on her licence in one fell swoop by ‘ignoring officers’ signals, failing to stop at a junction and not wearing a helmet’. I suspect a sex change.

The Voz de Galicia today reported that, since Gallego became ‘co-official’ with Spanish in Brussels, only 3 letters in this language had been received there. One of these, it couldn’t refrain from adding, was a letter it had sent a month ago and to which there hadn’t yet been an answer. Nice to know I’m not the only person in Spain who suffers from this problem.

Tonight, hits to this blog reached 40,000. So, I’d like to thank all the readers who’ve made this possible. Or at least those still with us. I particularly want to express my appreciation to people who take the trouble to post compliments. I don’t usually publish these as this strikes me as rather naff.

Sharp-eyed readers will have noticed I no longer offer the Compendium of earlier Thoughts from Galicia. This is because of the volume of demand. So, I’d like to finish by also thanking those of you who requested this. Both of you.

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