

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

There’s at least one industry in Spain which normally benefits from an economic downturn. This is business of training people for the civil service exams – the so-called oposiciones. Of which there appear to be rather a lot. A flier I picked up today, for example, offers various courses in respect of exams for a career in the judiciary. Or at least in the administrative hinterland thereof. But I guess the business will be hard hit by the announcements this week that local councils will at least be freezing recruitment, if not actually laying off staff

I’ve suggested once or twice in the last year or so that it wouldn’t be long before criticisms of the EU began to appear in the Spanish media. So it wasn’t a huge surprise to read today that a previous President, Sr Gonzalez, had attributed Spain’s current financial predicament to the EU. Shame he’s better at ex post facto rationalisation than at pre facto guidance on economic management.

The current President – Sr Zapatero – insisted a couple of years ago that his response to the imminent recession would be a ‘socialist’ one. This boast was always likely to prove vainglorious but things were brought into stark relief today, when it was reported that social spending at both the national and regional level will be cut in order to reduce budgetary deficits. Needs must, I guess. And circumstances change principles.

Finally . . . There may be some disruption to service over the next few days. I am UK-bound, via the ferry from Santander to Plymouth. Where I will meet up with my very first girlfriend, after a break of a mere 45 years. Thanks to the internet, of course.

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