I suppose it's no great
surprise that Spain's president - Mariano Rajoy - says he'll re-seek
election later this year - despite the
hiding his party got in the recent Andalucian regional elections and
despite the way he and his party are perceived both inside and
outside corrupter-than-ever Spain. Safe in his own little bubble,
President Rajoy is doing a great job.
I drove down from
Merseyside to Bicester, near Oxford this morning. Pronounced Bister,
I believe. A pretty little high street, marred by the same shopfronts, banks, charity shops and betting
establishments you see in every other British town. And, of course, by the
drabness of the Brits walking up and down it in the sun.
Talking of things
British that are substandard, our Spanish friend over at Guirilandia
is having another go at the absence of mixer taps in most British
bathrooms. Like every other Spaniard - and forgetting that 2
generations ago most Spanish households didn't even have a bathroom -
he thinks this is quaint, inexplicable and a bloody nuisance. So he's
provided advice on a bit of DIY with which his despairing
compatriots can change their separate taps to a mixer system at low cost.
Back to the trip down
to Portsmouth . . . As ever, when you drive in daylight in the UK,
the motorways were clogged and delays inescapable. So I'm quite
looking forward to driving 5 hours on Spain's empty Autovía de
Cantabría tomorrow evening. Meanwhile, I offer that as an excuse for
making the check-in with only 5 minutes to spare.
And still on things
British that are inadequate . . . There was a recent report on the British
National Health Service, comparing it with those of France
and Germany. It concluded that it had failed to deliver a system fit
for the 21st century and that in key areas, including life
expectancy, cancer survival and infant mortality, Britain is the sick
man of Europe. In addition, the German and French systems (and the
Spanish) are unencumbered, it said, by the division between private
and public sectors that exists in the UK. The European model, the
report stressed, keeps these boundaries flexible. Fat chance of this
evolving in the UK, where politicians of all stamps will continue to
lie and talk nonsense about healthcare and the NHS sacred cow, just
in case someone accuses them of 'privatising' it. Contrast the USA,
where the criticism is the 'socialisation' of healthcare.
Finally . . . I took my
first and last selfie at the weekend, just before I read that the
selfie is "stuck in the past" and "we're all streaming ourselves
now." So, good job I always intended it to be my last one as well.
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