The Spanish road
mortality figures for the 11 days of Easter conform to the recent
trend that 2015 numbers - though hugely down on 2000 - are up on 2014.
One wonders why and hopes this is just a blip, not a concomitant of
an improving economy.
Brittany Ferries'
commodious Pont Aven serves 2 purposes:- 1. to move people between
the UK and Spain, and 2. to give folk from the UK's southern counties
a 2 hour shop and tapas opportunity in Santander. The first category
includes lorry drivers, motor cyclists, mobile-home drivers,
caravaners and simple car folk like me. There's even the occasional
Spanish family. So, a broad church. And one that makes for
fascinating differences in dress and accent. I often wonder what the
French crew makes of these people, other than their unfailing
politeness. As regards dress, there are individuals on board
sporting clothes that might have suited them 30 years ago, plus
unkempt grey hair finished off with a long pony tail. And that's just
the men. Another mixes fashions in opting for goth garb, topped off
with a grey hipster beard and a black baseball cap on a bald head. As
for the accents, suffice to say I have some difficulty figuring out
whether some folk are speaking English and, if they are, what they're
saying. I think they're mostly from Devon. Which might explain the
apparel and hairstyles as well. Ageing surfers?
Talking of my
incredulity . . . The mania for mixing dog breeds has hit a new low
in the UK, where rescue is being sought for a couple of creatures
resulting from the mating of a dachshund and a Staffordshire bull
terrier. You can make up your own name, as I've forgotten whether
they're 'stunds' or 'dachies'. But that's not all . . . At least 2 UK
newspapers have hit on the lark of introducing an Animals
Announcement Page, on which people who've taken leave of their senses
can advise us that their pet has just died, or that it's the
anniversary of its its marriage, its birthday or its death. In the
case of marriages, the names of each partner are supplied. Naturally.
Can people really be as daft as this, or is this just another way for
rich people to have a joke? Either way, it's good news for the
I've mentioned British
good manners but I've just witnessed a Brittany Ferries cock-up which
nearly resulted in a fight among my compatriots. In the self-service
restaurant, only one till was open, resulting in long queues on
either side of it - one on the 'right' side and the other on the
'wrong' side. After a phone call from the besieged young lady there,
another till was opened and people were asked to move to it. Some did
so but the folk on the right side of the new queue were not happy
with the confused people now lining up on the wrong side of it. So voices were raised. I say 'raised' but the whole thing took
place at something about the level of a Spanish whisper. And it all
died out when a third till was opened a couple of seconds later.
Finally . . . The
latest social network menace is the 'vine'. This is a short video
dispersed on the net via Facebook, etc. . It differs from a video
blog and from streaming, I think. But the bad news is that the
political parties have hit upon using it them to promote their policies and party
leaders, direct to your email, Facebook timeline, etc. So, be
prepared for the deluge. Especially if you've given any details to
anyone, or are on a list purchased from, say, your energy company or
local hospital. Or, indeed, are just living in this world.
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