

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Spanish plumes; Spain's gems; British benefits; Short tails; Tiffintown sons; The Ultramar; & Dubious honours.

Bloody 'ell. The latest threat to the UK is a 'Spanish plume". This is a weather pattern in which a plume of warm air moves from the Iberian plateau or the Sahara to northwest Europe giving rise to severe storms. At its worst this can bring in its wake extremely high temperatures and intense rainfall, with potential for flash flooding, damaging hail storms and tornado formation.

This is The Local's list of the Spain's tourism gems, or "Spain's 4 best-kept travel secrets". Enjoy. But no need to visit the Galician entries. We have enough visitors already.

What a strange benefit of colonisation - British TV is full of truly beautiful Asian news and weather-casters. They make an almost-old man very happy.

Did you know that evolution means we all have a tail in the womb? It normally disappears after a few months but people are occasionally born with tails that need to be surgically removed. Up to 30cm long and with hair and bones. The rest of us have 3 vestigial bones at the coccyx.

Here are what Google Images/Duckduckgo give you if you search for two of Tiffintown's famous sons - Miguel Quiroga and Castelao. Both are featured, of course, in our (ugly)new museum-cum-gallery building, attractively called "The 6th Building. Click this link for more on Castelao. He was prominent in the development of Galician nationalism, inter alia. One of the people you wish you'd known. And, boy,could he draw! It's worth visiting the eyesore just to see the top floor dedicated to him. And Quiroga.

Incidentally, there's a new and fashionable restaraurant in the grounds of this building. It's called La Ultramar and I'll be posting my (unfavourable) review of it tomorrow.

Finally . . . My favourite waiter in my favourite bar wants to set up his own place, just along the street where a house is for sale. Fine, but he wants my advice. Oh, dear. Better news is that this bar now officially serves Tortilla Colin - tortilla with potatoes, onions and ginger. What an honour.

Note: It's taken me ages to get rid of extraneous html instructions in this post. So, you'd better bloodywell enjoy it.

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