

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The EU and the Left; The EU future; Spain & Greece; T-shirts; Odd pronunciations; Alt. Med. & Healthcare in Spain.

If you're of the Left, you'll be interested in this article on how your fellow-thinkers around the world are viewing the red-in-tooth-and-claw EU, led by a Germany determined to impose its will on the rest of Europe. Which sounds rather familiar.

Stepping back from the detail . . . The first thing one has to conclude is that the EU's much-vaunted 'solidarity' is a chimera. The second is that elections and electorates don't matter when it comes to the future of 'The Project'. Finally, one has to conclude that the only way the EU can ever succeed is as a 'benevolent/enlightened' dictatorship, led by Germany. How likely is that?

And where was the Spanish government during the Greek saga? Taking the hardest of lines, it emerges. More German than the Germans. Why? Because there's an election late this year and the governing PP party doesn't want voters asking "Why have we gone through what we've gone through? Why didn't you negotiate a good deal for us like the Greek government did?" As the old Biblical saying has it - Solidarity begins at home. In the Prime Minister's office to be exact.

A few more T-shirt slogans noted this week:-
What's on your mind
Listen to your heart
I like cats
Love your bones
Win the race
Stop waiting for Friday

And another 3 strange pronunciations:
Protajonists - instead of protagonists
Róbust - instead of robúst
Páranoic - instead of paranóic

Finally . . . Trying to find which sites link into this blog, I saw that the major source was one called myhealthcare.com. Going to it didn't provide any answers but it did reveal the existence of someone calling himself a Naturopathic Physician, Mechanotherapist, Naprapath, Medical Massage Practitioner, Tui Na Practitioner and Native American Healing Practitioner. Which seems to cover all the bases. Click here, here, here and here for more on these 'alternative' therapies.

Footnote: This is a useful site on healthcare provision for foreigners in Spain.

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